This is a blog about microfinancing trend, practice and resources in China. I am currently volunteering for Wokai, a financing institute for MFI orgnaizations in China. This is a journal of my work.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

China Contemplating Loosening Capital Requirements on Private Lenders

A friend of mine forwarded this article: 地下钱庄阳光化提速《放贷人条例》只待共识

In short, China's central bank has a team drafting a "Lender's Law" in order to establish a legal frame work to regulate private lending.

The main contention is at source of capital for any lending institution: who can raise from where?

  • 条例的最大突破是允许个人注册从事放贷业务
  • 相对吸收公众存款的银行类金融机构而言,监管较宽松,
  • 允许放贷人除自有资金之外,... 甚至可通过发行债券、股票等方式募集资金。
  • 对放贷人的贷款利率上限管理更加灵活,规定不高于同期同类贷款基准利率的四倍。
Industry insiders say:
《放贷人条款》的融资渠道显得极为宽松 ...


This law is not specific to MF but certainly has impact to the industry:
1. It creates a transparent legal framework (better than ad hoc policies)
2. However, too tight a restriction on raising capital or lending rates may limit hamper MF institutions

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This is a blog about microfinancing trend, practice and resources in China. I am currently volunteering for Wokai, a financing institute for MFI orgnaizations in China. This is a journal of my work.