This is a blog about microfinancing trend, practice and resources in China. I am currently volunteering for Wokai, a financing institute for MFI orgnaizations in China. This is a journal of my work.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mao Yushi, the Famed Chinese Economist, Shares His Thoughts on How to Structure MF Programs to Fight Poverty

Mao Yushi, 茅于轼, is a well known economist in China. He was among the first in China to advocate using micro finance to fight poverty.

In my eyes, he is a scholar who believes the power of the "Invisible Hand" and has a strong conscience of social justice as well. Recently, he was ridiculed by some pundits for saying that an economist should be "vouching for the Rich but working for the Poor" (为富人说话,为穷人办事)

It is not surprising that Mao sees the power in micro finance.

Here is an interview of Mao (当务之急是地下金融合法化) where he further articulated his thoughts and position on micro finance, private capital and what the right state policy should be:




这次金融危机,我们应该把各方面的潜力充分发挥出来,对付金融危机,比如说现在回乡的农民很多,... 农民回去之后,这些人中有一些人想创业,但是没有资本。像这种情况,我们的小额贷款公司就可以帮他忙

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This is a blog about microfinancing trend, practice and resources in China. I am currently volunteering for Wokai, a financing institute for MFI orgnaizations in China. This is a journal of my work.